The main unite.
The main machine that produces various types of paving stones, curbs and concrete blocks.
It operates in a controlled semi-automatic mode.
Production capacity varies depending on the mahine model.
Equipped with a vibrating motor, the power varies depending on the model of the machine.
Its main parts consist of a pallet feed unit, a chain or roller system, and hydraulic and electrical controls

It is preferred for the production of low-deposition concrete, which is used for the production of concrete blocks and paving stones.
Cement, sand, and water are the raw materials used for the production of concrete.
The mixer hatch opens manually in semi-automatic control systems.
The amount of water contained in the mixer is adjusted using bottles and similar containers.

Skip conveyor or belt conveyor (optional)
A skip conveyor or sand belt conveyor is an equipment used to transfer raw materials (inert materials and sand) to a mixer.
Sometimes the buyer does not buy a skip conveyor or conveyor belt along with the rest of the equipment, but predicts to dig a small recess and place the mixer there. Statistics for example;
35% make a ramp.
15% buy a skip conveyor.
30% buy a conveyor belt
20 % fit the mixer into the recess.

There are 3 types: moulds for blocks, molds for paving stones, molds for curbs.
Moulds are divided into lower and upper parts.
The punches are placed on the upper table of the vibrator, and the matrix is placed on the lower table of the vibrator.
Forms are usually divided into 3 groups

A trolley moves wet concrete products placed on pallets (blocks, paving stones, curbs, etc.) used .
To move the block to the drying area.
The trolley is very popular, especially in small-size block production equipment, as well as in countries where labor is cheap.
Sizes vary depending on the model of the machine.

Stacks pallets with wet concrete products (blocks, paving stones, curbs, etc.).
The robot is used in conjunction with a forklift to reduce the use of human labor.
The number of pallets stacked on top must be calculated according to the capacity of the forklift.
Usually, forklift operators prefer to stack and transport 4-6 rows of pallets at a time.